16 July, 2019


How bright are the planets?...

You may ask me after setting everything up...

You may also know by this point that Saturn is the furthest a human can see in the solar system with naked-eye observation, being at ~9,5 AU away from the Sun, 8,5AU from Earth at maximum approach, yet, is fairly logical to assume that a Saturn-sized planet can be seem up to ~10 Habitable Zone radii away, ie, assume the maximum you can see in a planetary system from a habitable planet is ~10x it's orbit radii...

Yep, we can go with that, even, comparing with other solar system objects works well, like if your planet is a Jupiter-sized gas giant and it is twice as close to it's sun-like star, is fairly accurate to state it may appear four-times as bright as Jupiter in the night sky, hence the similar disk-size available to reflect sunlight, given the Inverse Square Law.

As well, we can go through getting the difference of your planet to it's solar counterpart to get more accurate comparizons, a planet with a diameter 20% larger that of Jupiter, at Jupiter-distance from our Sun, will have 44% more surface area, and thus appear 44% as brighter if it has similar albedo of course.

Getting magnitudes for superior planets is pretty easy, considering that you only need to count it's magnitude at opposition (closest to the observer's planet) and conjunction (far side of the sun), the magnitude at conjunction must is roughly 1/4 as bright, a bit less than 1/4 because you have to add your observer planet's orbit radii to the distance count.

For inferior planets, we have the fact that they show phases like the Moon does, Venus may show a thin slit of it's day-time side when close to Earth, but it's disk is also nearly twice as wide in the sky than on superior conjunction.

For a roughly but fairly accurate measurement, let's assume we know how bright it should appear if it were a superior planet to our own, if it receives ~2x as much light than our planet from the Sun (similar to Venus), being 0,7 AU from the sun, at sup.conj. it's disk is 1/5th the full size when at superior conjunction (assuming the observer is at 1 AU), hence it's brightness must be as well 1/5 of what it should be if we were facing it from 0,3 AU inwards it's orbit, now, how much bright is that full disk when observed from an inward perspective?

Let's call the full illuminated disk at closest approach,1 Brightness-unit, is a value we don't know yet, but we know how wide the full-close disk is, let's say 1 unit, then the superior conjunction disk is 0,2 units wide, from the observer's perspective the maximum elongation of the planet is ~44,42º, which cosine is 0,7 it's orbit radius, let's re-do the math for the new distance from our observer planet, the disk is 0,38 units wide.


Planet at superior conjunction, 0,2 units wide, full disk, 1/5 as bright.
Planet at maximum enlongation,  0,38 units wide, half disk, 2,63x as bright than at superior conjunction.
Planet at inferior conjunction, ~1 unit wide, 10% disk.

If we measure it's brightness at  sup. conj. to be -3,8 magnitude, even tho the planet has only 10% of it's disk illuminated during inferior conjunction, it should appear 5x as bright, then the magnitude of the 10% illuminated disk is magnitude -5,3, and when at half disk it is -4,3 mag.

As well, it's magnitude as seem from an inward perspective is -10,18.

What makes a lot of sense, if you're questioning why -5,3 mag is way out of what we see at Venus, is because I'm just assuming the brightest phase of the planet is when at 10% of the disk is lit, considering this is an 0,5 error margin, consider it to be ~50% less bright than calculated, ie, +0,5 mag dimmer...

A difference of y mag means one of two objects is ~2,512^yx fainter or brighter than the other, if two objects are 2 mag apart, then one is ~2,512^2x (6,3x) brighter than the other, and so on.

Again, if your planet is x-times it's solar counter part, it's magnitude should be the solar counterpart mag plus the difference in mag, if further, minus, if closer, negative value for bright objects, positive for dim objects.

You can use this calculator to find magnitudes given brightness differences:

Or calculate it yourself, given solar counterparts as shown before, using the table bellow:.

App. Mag. (V) Celestial object

–4.89 Maximum brightness of Venus when illuminated as a crescent

–3.82 Minimum brightness of Venus when it is on the far side of the Sun

–2.94 Maximum brightness of Jupiter

–2.91 Maximum brightness of Mars

–2.45 Maximum brightness of Mercury at superior conjunction (unlike Venus, Mercury is at its brightest when on the far side of the Sun, the reason being their different phase curves)

–1.61 Minimum brightness of Jupiter

–0.49 Maximum brightness of Saturn at opposition and when the rings are full open (2003, 2018)

1.47 Minimum brightness of Saturn

1.84 Minimum brightness of Mars

5.32 Maximum brightness of Uranus

5.73 Minimum brightness of Mercury

5.95 Minimum brightness of Uranus

7.78 Maximum brightness of Neptune

8.02 Minimum brightness of Neptune

13.65 Maximum brightness of Pluto (725 times fainter than magnitude 6.5 naked eye skies)

For a matter of curiosity, Saturn's disk as seem from Titan appears 10x larger than the Moon, having ~31x more area to reflect light from the Sun, yet receiving only 1,1% as much light as the Moon, it would appear 9,6x as bright as the Moon, but only 0,96x as bright per unit of area, with a magnitude of -14,3, not counting the ring system.

-M.O. Valent, 16/07/2019

12 July, 2019


Hamanen Kalinen found the world was round 3550 years ago...

Does this name sounds familiar to you? Unless you know someone named Hamanen, he is an ancient astronomer of one alien civilization I have created for a story...

In this post we will have a brief introduction to Alien Astronomy, how can a sentient species interpret it's world and how many hints are given by nature that the universe expands far far away above the clouds beyond the sky, to the distant stars...

We have one sun and one moon, both are roughly the same size in the sky, we decided one Earth's rotation is a day, and one revolution around the Sun is a year, the Moon orbits Earth every ~30 days at an average distance of 84 thousand kilometers, Earth orbits the sun at a distance of 150 million kilometers and it is the third of a planetary system of 8 planets, this major system we call the Solar System, but how did we get there?

You may know from science and history classes that we long ago found Earth was round and measured it's size, and the distance to the Moon and tried to find the distance to the Sun but it was up to the invention of telescopes that astronomy got far away in figuring out the solar system... Then, roughly forty years after the airplane invention we got to space and two decades later went to the Moon, our civilization skyrocketed after physics and astronomy became a strong field.

And yet, is fun to look at how other civilizations before globalism figured out the heavens above...
One major thingy I wouldn't like to mention but is a great example of both clever and ignorant thoughts, is the Flat Earth society, yes, it happens that after all, their arguments aren't all that stupid to hear, once you put yourself in their eyes for cosmology .

Reasons a civilization can be lead to believe their world is flat...

1. Their world is dense.

By being dense, I mean, their major population lives in one place, like the Mesopotamian region, everyone's people and major empires sharing the same 1000x1000km region, sharing the same alike ideas and religion, this creates the illusion the world is small and sum up with items 2 and 3.

2. Settled / Landlocked / Non-Traveler Civilization.

If their world is dense, then they have no real reason to travel far away from merch or even war, they will have a fixed view of the cosmos around them.
Explorers from Europe, ancient Greece and Egypt later found out that the constellations change the further south you go, what could only be explained if you were on one different hemisphere of a round Earth.

3. Lack of celestial hints.

If your planet is the first of the system, that is a lack of celestial hints, if it doesn't have a moon to drag their attention to the sky and host eclipses, that is a lack of celestial hint, if their system hosts few or dim planets in the sky, that is a lack of celestial hint, if the planets in the sky take too long to complete an orbit it is a lack of celestial hint. The opposite of those items is a good celestial hint and allow the study of celestial mechanics and stuff.

Now, imagine you live in the middle east, every great empire does exist a few hundred miles next to you, your people haven't traveled much, and if you read the post about Double Parent Systems, you may have noticed that when you live near the poles, the sky basically rotates around you from east to west along the horizon, the sun and the moon do basically circle around above the visible world, see any resemblance to the flat Earth model? The "observational model" is only barely matching with the northern hemisphere view of the world.

Of course, when we have the other facts in hand like the stars or the different movements of the sun and moon around the world, is pretty much easier to figure out whats happening out there... And I like to think about the Hoku because they had all those hints...

The Hoku

The Hoku civilization lives in the second planet of a small binary star system with five planets, the second planet has large moon with a ring system and an atmosphere, the inner planet is a Venus analogue, the outer planet is frozen Mars which is very bright at night, outwards a warm ice giant slightly larger than Neptune with a ring system and three Mars-sized moons, and then a large Saturn sized gas giant with no moons.

The binary star system is composed by a class-G yellow dwarf 0,88Msol with little more than half the sun luminosity, and a M-class red dwarf that contributes basically nothing in lighting, they orbit each other every 21 days, and appear separated by 11º in Hokushoku's sky (shoku = world, Hokushoku = world of the Hoku).

Yuhora, their moon, appear 7x larger in the sky than our moon being closer at a distance of 94.000km, it orbits the planet every exactly 2 local days. The moon's axis is tilted 172º in a way that it appears to be rolling sideways for and observer at the poles, it's ring system appears 11,5º wide in the sky and it follows the moon's equator, appearing to be upright when observed near the poles, and aligned with the horizon at the equator, the moon's orbital tilt of 20º never allow it to be fully new, or fully lit by the sun given that perspective let always a bit of its nightshade appear when full and a slit of day-side when new.

This way, any Hoku could hold a sphere, mainly a typical northern fruit that is almost perfectly round and compare the moon's illumination with the illumination of the fruit, and to be honest, it is so common that no one gave it much attention for centuries, until an astronomer named Hamanen Kalinen figured out that since the fruit is clearly being lit by the sun (named Paza, the Greater Sister, Unenja the red-dwarf is called the Little Sister), then Yuhora the moon might be being lit by the Paza as well, and alike the fruit, Yuhora is round...
(You can do this experiment yourself when the Moon and the Sun are both in the sky).

"Look how both the fruit and Yuhora are lit sir..."

Another thought he had about the fruit and Yuhora was when studying light and reflections made with a recent invention of the east, glass mirrors. He noted that light-rays come in straight lines, nothing much of new, engineers used shadows to calculate heights of buildings because it travels in straight lines, but, that created parallel shadows of sticks used in wall building during the day, but when the wall were lit by torches and lamps, the shadows did converge towards the lamp, by sticking white-painted fruits on the sticks during the day, the fruits shadow on the wall were parallel, and when lit by a lamp, did converge towards the lamp.

Eladimira Koreli's first notes about the Kalinean System, with measured distances.
Left is Hokushoku and it's moon, to the right is Paza and a statement above "it may be larger", hence traced line.
At the top, Kalinen's idea about light-rays and spheres, and at the bottom, the minimum measurable distance from Paza to Hokushoku to approximate scale.

Since Yuhora and a ball placed on the same direction were lit the same way like the fruits on the wall lit by Paza, rather than when lit by a lamp, regardless of time of the day, then he noted that Paza's size must be at least as wide as Yuhora's orbit around Hokushoku or larger, unfortunately were too occupied making math for the army and city building to make any serious measurements about Yuhora's distance to begin with, he used his military campaign travels to rough measure Hokushoku's size but only that, he was also responsible for timing the speed of sound, discovery of Germanium and Gallium, and inventing the Astronomical Time (1.2 seconds timescale), his ideas persisted to be tested centuries later...

Hope I have inspired you with this example :)
- M.O. Valent, 12/07/2019

11 July, 2019



"[...] the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs." - Han Solo about the Millenium Falcon, Star Wars Episode IV.

You may now already know that a Parsec is unit of distance, not time, in astrophysics, derived from Parallax and Arc-second, is the distance a star needs to be from the Sun so it's measured parallax is 1 arc-second across, which is roughly 3,26 light-years.

I bet you may be pretty well fondled with the idea of pulling a lever and the background stars starts to trace and blue-shift in front of your eyes like on Star Wars...

Or even Startrek...
That blue-shift is wrongly placed xP

There is always something those movies and games depict right and horribly wrong about FTL or Faster-Than-Light travel.

1. Blue-shift/Red-shift

As a police car rushes near you with the sirens on you may notice that the sound have a higher pitch than when the car is running away, or the more common case, when a plane crosses the sky it is more noticeable. That is the Doppler effect, any waves from a moving source get compressed on the front and stretched on the back, sound-waves gain pitch when the object is approaching and lose pitch when it is going away.

Stars suffer the same with light waves, but we perceive the difference in the wavelength as a shift in the star's hue. Moving towards us, blue-shift, moving away, red-shift.

If you are moving pretty fast among the stars, they would blue-shift in front of you and red-shift as they go behind you. And you can calculate the amount of shift with a given velocity by:

(λ-λ0) / λ0 = v / C

λ - Is the wavelength you measured.
λ0 - Is the natural wavelength.
v - Is the source speed.
C - is the speed of light.

For example, if a green-painted ship at 550nm is photographed by a stellar speed-trap as being 450nm, then the ship is blue-shifted (smaller wavelength) by 100nm (|450 - 550| = 100), given the system knows the ship is originally 550nm colored, the speed at what the ship is going is 0,18C (100 / 550 = 0,1818), ie, ~54.540km/s.

Or if you want to know what color your green ship looks when running away at 0,5C, multiply the original hue by the speed in C, 550*0,5 = +275nm, since we are considering the ship is red-shifting away from us, then the apparent color is black at 850nm infrared (550+275=850), if other colors are available like white hull, it's overall color-temperature would be similar to an object at 3.132ºC.

By the way... Cover your eyes!

It is not just a visual depction, the crew of any starship close to the speed of light shouldn't be allowed to peek over a window, naturally unharmful red-light can be shifted into harmful UV light, and UV light into Xray and Gamma Rays, any light coming from outside might be deadly ionizing and should not be appreciated.

2. Methods

Although it is impossible to surpass light in a race, it is virtually possible to change the space rules to favor you, like bending space-time so you can surf around with ease, Warpdrive, like the difference between pushing a block in the rough street, and then pushing a block in a soaped board, you didn't change any physics in the system, you didn't changed the force so the block slides more, or the mass of the block, you just reduced friction between the block and the surface.


A great idea in the Halo series is the Slipstream realm, a section of space-time with different "friction" than our normal space, if with 100GJ you can only accelerate your ship up to 0,0001C (30km/s) in normal space, in Slippy-stream (maybe an internal pun) you can use that same amount of energy to move at 0,01C, and yet exit in a very distant point of space, like 10Ly away by only moving 1AU in the slipstream space, distances in the slipstream realm are not changed at all. This kind of concept works well, if we compare normal space with running in a water tank, and slipstream space travel with running in the beach where the air offers way less resistance to running yet under the same physics like gravity and friction, how you would achieve it, it is up to you.


Using worm-holes is a great idea as well, in fact many authors may opt by using a mix of wormhole tech to access a kind of slipstream dimension, wormholes or Einstein–Rosen bridges, are in a few words, tunnels that connect two points in space and time, like a tunnel leading from the Moon's orbit to Saturn, ~76 light-minutes away in the past from Earth's perspective. The only problem is that gravity tends to always close the wormhole, traversable wormholes, would only be possible if exotic matter with negative energy density could be used to stabilize them, somehow you need a way to get it.


Creating a series of super massive Kügelblitzes in a controlled ambient ahead of the ship may work, such a tiny black hole may not warp you lightyears ahead, but making them with a tenth of your ship's mass and in a sequence may do, given that when you are already in movement it takes less acceleration to add the same kinectic energy as before in the same direction (Oberth Effect), project the kügelblitz behind your ship to reduce velocity.

EXTREME GRAVITY ASSIST I personally like Hohmann Transfers and Lagrange isles, not FTL but also not an outlandishly complicated topic, is just using the way gravity works in order to save fuel.

Imagine any given orbit around a body as a staircase, you need to make a first step, you achieve orbital speed 400km above the ground at 28.000km, but your goal is to orbit at 10.000km from the ground. According to Newton's cannon and Kepler, if I push a little further my orbit trajectory will become more elliptical, I will push the ship's aphelion further away while maintaining my perihelion, once at the aphelion of my orbit I can turn the thrusters on again, and lift my former perihelion so it matches my new orbit 10.000km away from Earth, or keep it on so it orbits the Sun instead, using the Lagrange points between the Sun and the planets as gravity-free highway you ignore the sun's pull on your ship what saves lots of effort, you can correct courses using marked asteroids which serves as street signs for "turn around to Jupiter this way".
If you are asking yourself where does interstellar travel goes here, imagine dropping your ship freefall into the Sun right from Mercury's orbit, now, that wouldn't be actually possible but very hard given you need to lose velocity to fall into the sun, but it is not true at all, Hohmann transfers outwards can give your ship an elliptical orbit that you can sideway thrust towards the sun every turn, two or three turns may be enough to approach your ship as close as 1/10th that of Mercury's orbit, and use the Oberth Effect to slingshot out of the Solar System.
And you can extrapolate the method to orbit black holes, by dropping an asteroid payload and receiving kinectic energy and slingshot out of it.

Or either accept it will always take centuries to go the next star and back to Earth like in the Alien series...

- M.O. Valent, 11/07/2019

05 July, 2019



You read that right, the Venus Zone, as the name suggests, it is a zone where a planet similar to Earth in mass and size may actually turn into a Venus relative rather than a tropical paradise world.

For a little bit of context, we suppose the Habitable Zone for our solar system may be between 0,5AU and 1,5AU, which is from roughly 4x times more sunlight down to 40% the sunlight we have here on Earth, any place on those extremes may be habitable with some degree of gear and terraforming, however a more conservative measurement puts the HZ between 0,7AU and 1,25AU, which is from twice as much sunlight down to 64% sunlight Earth receives if we consider we may not have that much of Geo-engineering at reach.

As a consequence of the space, light from our sun spreads over the inverse square distance, Venus is 25% closer to the Sun relative to Earth, but receives almost double the sunlight, and that is where the Venus Zone problem begin.
After the invention of telescopes, many astronomers found clouds revolving around Venus, they already expected them to be pretty bright and the presence of those dynamic clouds could only say one thing, "there is water vapour in the atmosphere", and many early 20th century astronomers, as well astrophysicists and sci-fi writers often were lead to believe that was clear evidence that Venus had water in the triple point, ie, ice, liquid water and vapour could exist there as they do on Earth, but due to the extra heat from the sun, there would be a thick layer of rainclouds and immense tropical storms everywhere, some even firmly believed Venus were a swampy world covered in a dense fog or haze of water vapour, whose soil where filled with petroleum from early living beings now sedimented, or even carbonated water, and Venus' similarity to Earth in size and mass even suggested it to be a considerable Earth Twin.

Truth is, that when Radar measurements went on Venus, they revealed some sad facts, the planet's rotation were messed up, a retrograde motion made the local day 243 days long, a abnormal microwave spectrum of the planet suggested something there on the atmosphere was pretty hot, and in 1962 the American probe Mariner 2 made a flyby past Venus, registering the atmosphere temperature to be around ~500ºC, and no magnetic field.
Something indeed was pretty wrong about our estimates, Venus was in our boundaries of what Earth-like planets can exist, and newer observations like the Kepler Mission shows that exo-Venuses are not that rare in that proportional orbits to their habitable zones, what leads us to believe in a more contained habitable zone after what we now call, the Venus Zone.
"Overall, the team estimates based on Kepler data that approximately 32% of small low-mass stars have terrestrial planets that are potentially like Venus, while for G-class stars like the Sun, the figure reaches 45%."
Kane, Kopparapu and Domagal-Goldman, “On the frequency of potential Venus analogs from Kepler data,” accepted for publication in 'The Astrophysical Journal Letters'.
The Inner Boundary
Before dipping really into what the Venus Zone really represents, let's think about how close a planet can be to it's star and still have air, I mean, not have it's atmosphere evaporated by the solar wind?

We could call this the end of the Mercury Zone by the way, but sounds too cheesy already, where in those 44 million km separating Mercury and Venus is that atmosphere zone?
As far as I could research, the planets around the red-dwarf YZ Ceti are the ones closest to their parent star, YZ Ceti b, which orbits YZ Ceti at a distance of 0,01557AU is calculated to receive around 3,26x more radiation than Earth, yet, it's temperature estimates range from 74~218 °C, while the yet to be confirmed YZ Ceti e, would receive 7,64x more radiation, 1,1x that received by Mercury, or about 389,4ºC if it has no atmosphere like Mercury.

Venus presents an albedo of 0,67 (geometric), ie, it reflects 67% the light that reaches it, for comparison, the Moon reflects about 12% of light. If we recall the Planetary Energy Budget, we find out that ~842,18 W/m² are being absorbed by the planet's atmosphere, despite the double albedo compared to Earth, by being closer to the Sun it is absorbing nearly as much energy as our planet does.

Planet Gliese 3470 b is constantly having it's atmosphere evaporated due solar wind, and it orbits at one tenth the distance from Sun to Mercury, using it as our meter-stick we can set some standards, Gliese 3470 is red-dwarf ~2 billion years old, in 2Gyr the planet is yet to lost all of it's atmosphere, having ~14 Earth masses and being 4,3x as large than Earth we find out that the planet has a 'surface' gravity of 0,75 G, so, if such a low density planet can yet maintain it's Hydrogen atmosphere (which evaporates very quickly compared to heavier gas mixtures like N²/O²) for roughly 2Gyr, it's atmosphere mass could be any between 5% and 20% the planet's total mass, going with 20%, it is expected for it to loss it's atmosphere in the next billion years at least, so, such a low density planet this close to it's star can't maintain an atmosphere for more than 3 billion years, which is roughly how much time it took for multicellular life to occur on Earth after the Hadean.

Balancing the math a bit, this is losing about 2,8 Earth's worth of [H] in 3 billion years, 0,93x Earth's of atmosphere every billion years.

Earth's atmosphere is just 1 tenth of a thousandth of the Earth's mass, and have 1,33x as much gravity, our N²/O² atmosphere is 28.9x denser than H², which means that if we swap GJ3470 b by Earth, our atmosphere is evaporated in ~2.316,8 years (80 years with a [H]/[He] atmosphere), at a rate of -0,043% every year, since Earth-sized planets take 500Myr to form, we need to find a distance to the Sun where Earth would have lost it's atmospheric material in that time at least.

Admitting the solar wind as the only significant actor of this effect, if we double the radius of the orbit, we get 1/4th the rate as a consequence of the inverse square law, hence, it takes 4x more time for the atmosphere to evaporate completely.
At Mercury's orbit, Earth would take ~231.680 years, at 0,5 AU it would take ~401.053 years, at Venus' orbit it would take ~831.968 years, at our current distance 1,6 million years, what doesn't seem right at the start.

But, we are considering the Sun has the same windblown of a turbulent red-dwarf such as GJ3470, those stars can produce as much as 10.000x more radiation than the Sun in flares, if we consider that our Sun is really 10.000x more quiet and constant, then we got a 16Gyr lifespan for our atmosphere at 1AU, 8Gyr at Venus' orbit, 4Gyr at 0,5 AU, 2Gyr at Mercury's orbit, and finally 500 million years at ~0,19 AU, BINGO.
In case you are curious, it would take 23,1 million years for Earth's atmosphere to be stripped away if close to the Sun as GJ3470 b.
We can suppose that any Earth-sized planet with an Earth-like atmosphere of N²/O² will completely lose it's atmospheric material within it's formation period if as close as 1/5th of the Habitable Zone Radius for it's star in AU.

MZ ~ 0.2*sqrt(L)

Then for the Solar System, the Mercury Zone is between 0,1AU and ~0,65AU, the distance where a Earth-like planet with an Earth-like atmosphere will no longer have an atmosphere at 4,5 billion years old...

Although the line of thinking used above is on the correct path, we need some real numbers for us to really work out the Inner boundary of the Venus Zone.
For Earth, this number is about ~3kg of [H] per second, and ~50g of [He] per second. A simple derivation like above for how long it would take for all of Earth's atmosphere to be blow away, gives us 96,18 billion kg a year, if it was made of [H]/[He],~53,52 million years.

Multiplying by the 28,9x harder to push N²/O² atmosphere, and it outputs ~1,54 billion years.
Which still absurdly high - what are we missing?
The rate at which the atmosphere is escaping, is rather unclear, but we can deduce that from a study about Venus' atmospheric escape.
We found from our study that solar wind pick up of H+ and O+ ions yields loss rates of about 1 × 1025 s −1 and 1.6 × 10^25 s −1 , respectively. [...]
Which is ~26,56 moles of Oxygen per second, or ~424,9g [O⁺] per second.
Now, Venus is very similar to Earth down in it's base physical aspects, we are interested in it's gravity, which is 0,905 that of Earth.
As Earth pushes 10,49% harder, we go down to ~24,04 moles a second, or ~384,6 grams per second.
Again, as Earth is further away than Venus, the effect is less dramatic to the inverse square law,  giving us, a loss of about. 12,57 moles a second, or all the way down to 201,1g per second. As Nitrogen is 0,875% the mass of Oxygen, we could say such a gas would escape at a rate according to it's mass, giving off ~13,37 moles or 187,18 grams per second.
Taking the proportions of N² and O², Earth's atmosphere would have an average loss rate of ~188,3g/s, 5,938 million kg/yr, and gone in 252,6 million years...

Considering we're looking for stars that are as old as the Sun, Mercury falls inside this zone clearly, and we see that also Venus has a pretty good atmospheric lifespan too, since the believed minimal atmospheric pressure 'for life to exist in a comfy way' is around 15mbar (Vladilo et al. 2013) or 0,01atm, we can point the region where the atmosphere can still exist close to this pressure after the planet formation (~500Myr) as X AU (we don't know that yet), yet not enough of course for multicellular life to emerge or be even habitable at our time. 

At 45km high, pressure is about ~143Pa (0,95% of said minimum pressure) or 0,0143atm and the air density is ~0,0018kg/m³, or about 0,14% that of sea-level air at -8,15°C.
And between 90~99% of the atmosphere is contained bellow 45km.

For the next step, Mars can help us out.
Gravity is 0,37 Earth's.
Atmospheric pressure is about 600Pa, or ~0,4x the minimum pressure.
Atmosphere is also 50% heavier than Earth's, about 43,3 g/mol.
Atmospheric mass is about ~0,485% that of Earth's.

In order to be inside the 15mbar range, Mars atmospheric pressure would have to be 2,5x greater. And in order to increase pressure, it would need to have more mass, and achieve a minimum air density of ~0,024kg/m³ (at -63°C), or 2,42x the current density.
Doubling the mass of the atmosphere as the numbers suggest gives us an atmosphere mass that is 1,21% that of Earth's.

If we assume that the atmosphere is squished more by Earth-like gravity, that is 2,7x more pressure, taking it up to 37,5mbar (assuming the planet still the same size of Mars).

Which means, that our planet is technically safe for life even with ~1/100th of atmosphere mass.

Now we work out the evaporation of 1% of Earth's atmospheric mass, now increasing the rate with the inverse square law.

((5.1480×10^18)/100) / 89073.4
577,95 billion years at 1AU.

((5.1480×10^18)/100) / 23752915.2
2,1 billion years at 0,5AU.

((5.1480×10^18)/100) / 95011660.8
541,8 million years at 0,25AU.

((5.1480×10^18)/100) / 102807360
500,7 million years at 0,24AU. 

The minimum distance a planet with minimum life-supporting atmosphere pressure can exist beyond it's cooling time is about ~0,24 AU.
And the minimum distance that such a planet can still hold it's atmosphere for about 4,5 billion years is about ~0,721AU. And denser atmospheres will take much longer to be blown away.

Also, according to David Catling's paper, Mercury sized bodies can hold on atmospheric water, if the temperatures are near the ones at the top of the Martian atmosphere.
If the paper illustration I'm referring to isn't to scale, Earth's temperature value is 2.700K (on the thermosphere), similarly to the Gas Giants, probably to their dense magnetic field interactions than the sunlight itself. Mercury's mean temperature is about 625K, and it's just bellow Earth, the Moon's temperature wander around 300K, Mars is in between both Mercury and the Moon, therefore it's temperature should be over 460K and less than 500K, the upper atmosphere of Venus has a temperature close to 300K as well, and on Titan about 98K.
Using that as an approximate model, a body with ~5% the mass of Earth, could in theory hold an atmosphere if it's thermosphere temperature dropped from 352°C all the way down to less than 170°C, which given Mercury's orbit, it would have to be between 0,44~0,5AU.
What do checks out, since Titan's mass is ~2,2% that of Earth, and it does hold a dense atmosphere - being very far away from the Sun, of course.
Unfortunately, I can't see or find any more data, in a way I could properly establish a graph relating temperature, mass, and atmospheres.
For now, we have this blurry line, 0,1~0,25AU bellow which, Earth-sized planets will definitely be airless worlds past 500Myr.

For all effects, Mz ~ 0,2*sqrt(L) still pretty accurate though.

How close to it's star a planet have to be to turn into a Venusian world?
If we assume that it is true, or a least very likely most of times a planet that receives close to twice as much sunlight as Earth will turn into a Venusian world, we must find where in the that 55 million km is this line if there is one, or if somewhere there is a region we could find a wide range of midterm planets, "Carbonic Earths" for lack of a better expression at moment, planets with a CO² rich atmosphere but yet not a Venus neither Earth-like, maybe like Paart on the most earthly side.

It is already a good thing that we managed to pin the inner boundary of the Venus zone as ~0,65AU, the weird thing is that it between it and the outer boundary, there is an huge tendency to start a runaway greenhouse effect before "Earth's island of stability" at 1AU, the point where the distance from the Sun plays a smaller role in regulating the planet's climate, and volcanism and civilization are the real dealers of it.

Thinking linearly, ie, being pretty arbitrary and assuming that there is a ramp where you slip into runaway greenhouse, I would kick ~0,95+-0,045 AU, see, we are already in this ramp, humans have the potential to really frick this world up, but nothing compared to extra 10% sunlight, extra water evaporation means that the oceans cannot retain carbon dioxide enough to balance the carbon-cycle, and thus fill the atmosphere up with carbon and spiral into a Venusian climate, and that based that when the Sun becoming Red Giant, is expected that to happen as far we expect extra 10% more sunlight.

A team in 1993 (Kasting et al) proposed a similar situation where the most optimistic models secured the inner habitable zone as 0,97AU, and the more pessimistic realistic model suggested 0,99AU (according to Wiki, original paper cites 0,93~1,37AU), ie, Earth as we know it, is a MIRACLE, being so close to the edge of this doomed pit.

If we combine the estimates of maintaining at least 3/4 of the atmosphere for as long as 4,5 billion years, and the a low moisture mix of air, considering water and carbon are major players in greenhouse effect, we could maybe still find Earth-like planets at 0,90AU with average temperatures of 10º C, what to some point seems to make sense, extra 25% lighting would easily wipe a great portion of water molecules away during it's early age, but yet some other factor may contribute to not trigger the runaway greenhouse effect, like a higher albedo of surface due to a whiter rock type, or a faster rotation rate to help distribute the extra heat across the atmosphere, or even being a super-earth would help irradiate any extra heat, for instance, a planet that have 1,5x Earth radii have 2,25x more surface area to irradiate heat.

I would risk even 0,85AU if we take into account that many planets may have large arrays of moons that always eclipse parts of the sun, or rings that cast a shadow over a whole hemisphere during most of the year, making only ~1/4 of planet surface actually lit by the star.

So while there is a pretty wide array of ways to prevent a planet from heating too much, let's stick with this blurry line around 0,875AU.
The closer to the sqrt(L) it gets, the less likely it is to become a Venusian world in around 1% per 0,00125 AU towards it (value proportional to star Habitable Zone).

The more likely to become a Venusian world in 1% per 0,00025 AU the closer it gets to 0,85*sqrt(L) from that 0,875*sqrt(L) mark, which bellow it will be certainly a Venus or Hot Neptune.

While being closer to this zone of 0,875AU may signify the planet is either a recent Venus, ie, on it's way into a Venusian climate on the inner approach, or either in a rather state of equilibrium at warm climate like the south African or Amazon climate, either way, if given enough time and the right pushes along the way, such worlds in the outer edge of the Venus Zone would have more biodiversity to be explored ever due high counts of energy available for life, and the right landmarks may also allow a wide range of climates and biomes to exist all around.

Don't forget to also consider the rate of subduction of tectonic plates and how they may contribute or worsen the carbon and water cycles in such planets.

VZ ~ 0.85*sqrt(L)

Admitting we could sustain living at 1000ppm (0.1%) of CO² in the atmosphere with the help of O² saturation gear and stuff, the habitable zone expands way up to 3AU.
I have made an adaptation to the Keplerian Distribution Graph so it shows all the zones a single-star system given the system's distribution and the host-star's mass.

-M.O. Valent, 05/07/2019
-M.O. Valent, Updated in 15/01/2020



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