The continents migrated to tropical latitudes, as the ice melted away, and the cloudy atmosphere dissipated, paartian soil could start to come back to it's original color
Stathera is greek for Constant
Paart's oldest exposed continental lithosphere formed during the late Paleoproteroic, ie, pieces of crust that will not subduct (at least, not so soon in it's habitability lifespan).
The Early Statherian is marked by the appearance of the first great microbial structures in the fossil record, stromatolites, which lived in the shallow seas in between the approaching continents...
Spoiler Alert: these guys ain't gonna make it very far D:
Although stromatolites produced large quantities of oxygen in this period, those levels weren't able to go beyond the ~5% mark, having a couple peaks in between volcanic activities...
From the greek for Area, Éktasi, comes the name of the period that bears large areas of subducting continents which shelfs now are home to billions upon billions of stromatolites
The Ectasian period occupies most of the Mesoproterozoic (~73%), and it is marked by several breakthroughs in life.
The Early Ectasian (3270 ~ 3410Myo), harbors the peak of stromatolite population, covering ares the size of Australia on several occasions.
The Mid Ectasian (3340 ~ 3590Myo), is when the stromatolite formations cause the Second Little Oxygenation Event, when the oxygen levels reached a peak of 14%, also creating a thin layer of oxides upon land.
The Late Ectasian (3590 ~ 3690Myo), earliest Eukaryotes (protozoans) appear followed by sexual reproduction, global temperatures also tended to drop over time as a great portion of the continents concentrated around the south pole...
- M.O. Valent, 05/03/2020