28 February, 2020



Creation of the Universe from the film Noah (2014)


On the geological time scale, Hadean is the oldest eon, which started with the formation of the Volar System and Paart, and ended when the first rocks and the Archean eon emerged from the depths. 
Its name derives from Hades, the land of the dead in Greek mythology, a reference to the hellish conditions of the planet during its first hundreds of millions of years.

The star's leftover materials like, rock, gas and ice, coalesces, and over time, form the clumps of rock we call proto-planets, this first 100 million years of existence is believed to be very turbulent and chaotic, and in between the Hadean and the Archean eons the impacts can take enormous proportions - as the planetesimals are now accreted into the planetary mass, and now all we have are couple dozen or about a hundred Mars-sized planets "competing" for the most stable orbits.

The rocky planets are more likely to form between the star and the Frost Line, a certain distance at which methane and ammonia freeze, and beyond this boundary, planets will accrete leftover hydrogen, water, methane and ammonia from the molecular cloud.

Paart during the first half of the Hadean like the other planets was struck by several planetesimals, which composition make up the planet's final structure, though, being surrounded by large gas giants whose cores bear 5 to 8 times the mass of Earth - at the time - all it was left for Paart and her brother Hool were a couple dozen planetesimals, which were in course to either Veek or Seey.
 Paart at 160 million years old

Being in this crossfire was quite intense, leaving permanent marks on it's geology that would still be visible billions of years later (if you dig deep enough) - this intense bombardment with Moon-size objects often occurred within direct trajectory, and thus Paart's moon didn't formed due an impact between Paart and another body at an angle - Like Earth did, but by the nearby shock between two of these bodies, whose the impossible product of vectors put the material into the orbit of Paart, and while Paart's soil is usually dark due it's carbides and bismuth rich mantle, Taaf's surface is white from titanium and aluminum rocks.

how it would have happened

The Upper Hadean is characterized by the late strikes of de-orbiting moons, product of the large body forming in it's surroundings - Taaf. And also, the appearance of liquid water.

The other minor moons that formed de-orbited into the planet after a couple centuries, notice the polar arrangement of craters, that void is created by the accretion of equatorial material into Taaf's body.
Paart has a relatively weak magnetosphere because it more or less retained it's original structure for a long period of time, although the impacts following the start of the Upper Hadean provided the extra iron and rotational speed needed for a decent dynamo (about 0,5Gs).

The Upper Hadean in Paart's history ends with the first rainstorms, and the rapid cooling of those initial lava flows, bringing the quadrillions of tons of water down to the surface, as the water that initially was present at the surface by the end of the Lower Hadean was due to sheer pressure of the thick hydrogen and water atmosphere above, unable to fully condense until further cooling.

- M.O. Valent, 28/02/2020

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